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Privacy Policy

Merton Community Fire Department
Notice Of Privacy Practice



Your Health Care Information – Protecting Your Privacy
It is your right as a patient to be informed of the privacy practices of your health care provider as well as to be informed of your privacy rights with respect to your personal health information. This Notice of Privacy Practices is intended to provide you with this information.

Village of Merton Fire Department’s Responsibilities
It is your right as a patient to be informed of Village of Merton Fire Department’s legal duties with respect to protection of the privacy of your personal health information.


Village of Merton Fire Department is required to:


  • Maintain the privacy of your health information;

  • Provide you with a notice of the legal duties and privacy practices regarding protected health information collected and maintained about you; and.

  • Abide by the terms of this notice.


Village of Merton Fire Department reserves the right to change the terms of the notice of privacy practices and make the new notice provisions effective for all protected health information that it maintains. Village of Merton Fire Department also reserves the right change the terms of its notice with respect to any applicable more limited uses and disclosures.


The Village of Merton Fire Department will promptly revise and distribute its notice whenever Village of Merton Fire Department makes a substantial change to any of its privacy practices.


Village of Merton Fire Department will not use or disclose your health information without your authorization, except as described in this notice.


Your Health Information Rights


You have the right to:
Request a restriction on certain uses and disclosures of your health information. 

You have the right to request restrictions on certain uses and disclosures of protected health information, even if the restriction affects your treatment or Village of Merton Fire Department’s payment or health care operation activities. However, the Village of Merton Fire Department is not required to agree to your requested restriction. For example, if you are an employee of the clinic and you receive health care services in the clinic, you may request that your health care record
not be maintained in the general record filing area.

Receive Confidential Communications.
You have the right to request that Village of Merton Fire Department communicate your health information to you by alternative means or at alternative locations. Village of Merton Fire Department shall accommodate reasonable requests. For example, you may request to be contacted at a phone number that is different from the phone number listed in your
health care record.

Inspect and obtain a copy of your health record.
You have the right to inspect and obtain a copy of your health care record. This request for access to your health care record must be in submitted in writing to the Fire Chief of the Village of Merton Fire Department. This right may not apply to certain types of psychotherapy notes and the Village of Merton Fire Department may charge you a reasonable fee for a copy of your health care record. For example, you may request a copy of your health care record from your family physician. 

Amend your health record. 
You have the right to request an amendment to your health care record if you believe your health information is incorrect or incomplete. You may be asked to make this request in writing and state the reason why your health record should be changed. If Village of Merton Fire Department did not create the health information you believe is incorrect or if the Village of Merton
 Fire Department disagrees with you, Village of Merton Fire Department may deny your request. For example, if you believe that information in your medical history is incorrect, such as your birth date, you may request that this information be amended.

Obtain an accounting of disclosures of your health information. 
You have the right to an accounting of disclosures of your health information that Village of Merton Fire Department has made in compliance with state and federal law. The accounting will describe the dates of each disclosure, a brief description of information disclosed and the reason for disclosure. You will receive one accounting per year at no charge and Village of Merton Fire Department may charge you a reasonable fee for each subsequent request. For example, you may request an accounting of disclosures made from your health record in the last year to the State for disease reporting. 

Obtain a paper copy of the notice upon request.
You have the right to obtain a paper copy of the notice upon request. For example, if you received the notice electronically, you may request that Village of Merton Fire Department provide a paper copy of the notice.
Uses and Disclosures for Treatment, Payment and Health Care Operations


Village of Merton Fire Department is permitted by the federal privacy rule to use or disclose your protected health information for treatment, payment or health care operations. 


Village of Merton Fire Department may use or disclose your health information for treatment.
Village of Merton Fire Department may use or disclose your health information in the provision, coordination or management of your health care. 


Village of Merton Fire Department may use or disclose your health information for payment. 
Village of Merton Fire Department may use or disclose your health information to obtain reimbursement for the provision of health care services. The bill may include information that identifies you, your diagnosis and your treatment. 

Village of Merton Fire Department may use or disclose your health information for routine health care operations. 
Village of Merton Fire Department may use or disclose your health information for evaluation of patient care services, evaluating the performance of health care providers, activities relating to compliance with the law and business planning and development.


Example: Village of Merton Fire Department may review your health record to determine the efficiency of the services provided to you. 

Uses or Disclosures of Your Protected Health Information Permitted Without Your Authorization
Without your written authorization, Village of Merton Fire Department may use or disclose your health information for the following purposes:


As Required by Law: Village of Merton Fire Department may use or disclose protected health information to the extent that the use or disclosure is required by law and the use or disclosure complies with and is limited to the relevant requirements of the law. Uses or disclosures required by federal privacy rule and limited by the more protective requirements of state law include the following:


  • Disclosures about victims of elderly or child abuse;

  • Disclosures for judicial and administrative proceedings; or

  • Disclosures for law enforcement purposes.


Public health: As required by law, Village of Merton Fire Department may disclose your protected health information to the State of Wisconsin for the purpose of statutory reporting. 


Village of Merton Fire Department may disclose your protected health information excluding mental health, alcohol or drug abuse or developmental disabled or HIV test result to a state or federal public health agency for the purpose of preventing or controlling disease, injury or disability. 


Village of Merton Fire Department may disclose your protected health information excluding your HIV test result without your authorization to a county agency investigating child abuse. 


Village of Merton Fire Department may disclose your protected health information excluding mental health, alcohol or drug abuse or developmental disabled or HIV test result without your authorization to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 


Village of Merton Fire Department may disclose your HIV test result without your authorization to a person that may have sustained a contact that carries a potential for transmission of HIV. 


Village of Merton Fire Department may disclose your protected health information that is reasonably related to a work related illness or injury if an application for workers’ compensation has been filed.


Victims of abuse, neglect or domestic violence: Village of Merton Fire Department may disclose health information except for an HIV test result if Village of Merton Fire Department reasonably believes that an individual is a victim of child or elderly abuse. 


Health oversight activities: Village of Merton Fire Department will not disclose HIV test results to health care oversight agencies without an authorization. Village of Merton Fire Department may disclose your mental health, alcohol or drug abuse or developmental disability related health information to the Department of Health and Family Services, to the county for coordination of human services and to a representative of the board on aging and long-term care. The remainder of your protected health information may be disclosed without your authorization to a state or federal agency.


Judicial and Administrative Proceedings: Village of Merton Fire Department may disclose your protected health information in response to a court order. Village of Merton Fire Department may disclose your protected health information in response to a subpoena if Village of Merton Fire Department is a party to a court action, Village of Merton Fire Department has received your authorization to disclose and has not complied within two business days or Village of Merton Fire Department failed to respond to a request for workers’ compensation records. Village of Merton Fire Department may disclose your protected health information excluding mental health, alcohol or drug abuse or developmental disabled or HIV test result in response to a subpoena from a state or federal agency.

Law enforcement: Village of Merton Fire Department may disclose your protected health information except for HIV test results to county law enforcement officials for the reporting and investigation of elderly and/or child abuse. Village of Merton Fire Department may disclose your protected health information except for mental health, alcohol or drug abuse or developmental disabled or HIV test results to state and federal law enforcement officials. Village of Merton Fire Department may disclose mental health, alcohol or drug abuse or developmental disabled protected health information for limited law enforcement purposes as required by law. Village of Merton Fire Department may disclose your protected health information to a law enforcement official in response to a court order. 


For activities related to death:


Coroner or Medical Examiner: Village of Merton Fire Department may use or disclose your protected health information that is not an HIV test result or related to mental health, alcohol or drug abuse and developmental disabilities to a coroner or medical examiner. 


To avoid a serious threat to health or safety: Village of Merton Fire Department may disclose your protected health information under limited circumstances to law enforcement officials to avert a serious threat to health or safety. 
Disclosures for specialized government functions: Village of Merton Fire Department may disclose protected health information excluding mental health, alcohol or drug abuse or developmental disabled or HIV test result for national security, for protection of the President and for medical suitability determination or of Armed Forces personnel to a state or federal agency. 


Workers compensation: Village of Merton Fire Department may disclose protected health information reasonably related to a workers’ compensation injury. 


Village of Merton Fire Department has attempted to explain with this notice the circumstances where state law may be more protective than the federal privacy rule and provides greater privacy protection. 


Except for the situations listed above and treatment, payment or health care operation purposes, the use or disclosure of your health information requires Village of Merton Fire Department to obtain your written authorization. You may withdraw your authorization in writing at any time by submitting your written withdrawal to Village of Merton Fire Department’s Privacy Officer.


Patient Complaint Process


If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you may file a complaint with Village of Merton Fire Department or with the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. There will be no retaliation against you for filing a complaint. 


To file a complaint with Village of Merton Fire Department please contact the Village of Merton Fire Department Privacy Officer who will provide you with the necessary assistance. 


Questions or Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your privacy rights or the information in this notice, please contact:


Chief Josh Paral
Village of Merton Fire Department
P.O. Box 911
Merton, WI. 53056 
(262) 538-2300


Effective Date: This Notice of Privacy Practice is effective as of April 14, 2003.


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Merton Station

Providing Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services to the Town of Merton & Village of Merton since 1917.

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Call (Non Emergency): 262-538-2300

Call (Emergency): 911


Address: N67 W28343 Sussex Road, Merton, WI 53056

Mailing Address: PO Box 911, Merton, WI 53056


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